Tabao Thursday Series: Personalised Nutrition For Super Immunity!

Published on Tuesday, 25 Jan 2022
Tabao Thursday Series: Personalised Nutrition For Super Immunity!

Thu, 24 Feb 2022 - Thu, 24 Feb 2022

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1215pm – 115pm


Online | Complimentary


Did you know that more than half of the 236 million people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide since December 2019 will experience long-lasting symptoms*?

In this one-hour webinar presented by Naturopath Alicia Davenport from Chi Tree Health, we will share with you the following :

 ✔How using a systems based approach is a powerful resource in not only boosting immunity but also preventing long-lasting symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, insulin dysregulation and inflammation.

✔Discuss interesting facts around the gut microbiome and the impact this has on our
ability to recover long-term.

✔ Effects & importance of nutritional status and cellular health. It’s all about the type
of fuel we have available in our tank!

 Alicia Davenport is an accredited naturopath and herbalist with Chi Tree Health. She has over 15 years of experience and is an advocate for changing our current healthcare model to one that is dedicated to prevention and improved management of complex, chronic disease.

This workshop is brought to you by CapitaLand and Chi Tree Health

*Source: ScienceDaily.